It’s list review time again! We’re looking at this weekend’s Wardice 4 and we’ve got some spicy lists for you! Wardice is maybe one of the most relaxed and inviting gaming club in the Netherlands. We both sincerely wish it was in Amsterdam or Den Haag, but Haarlem isn’t that bad hahaha. Their space is shared with a local trainmodel club which creates a great background when hanging out.

For this edition we’ve picked lists (and players) that we think have the highest chances to do well at the event. All three of these fine gents are also in contention to win that coveted DTC Invitational ticket for the Knockout RTT on January 19th, 1 day before the big Dutch Masters Finale GT. Enough of the rambling, let’s get on to the lists! 

First up is a Wardicer himself, Felix Brenninkmeijer!

  • 2k So, an Aeldari walks into the room… (1990 Points)


    Detachment: Battle Host: reroll 1 hit and wound per unit

    Strike Force (2000 Points)

    Warlord: Autarch Wayleaper

    Keyword: Aeldari

    Enhancements: The Phoenix Gem(Autarch Wayleaper), Fate’s Messenger(Spirit Seer)


    Autarch Wayleaper (140 Points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Dragon fusion gun

    1x Howling Banshee Mask

    1x Star glaive

    • Enhancements: The Phoenix Gem

    Farseer (80 Points)

    • 1x Eldritch Storm

    1x Shuriken pistol

    1x Singing Spear

    Illic Nightspear (70 Points)

    • 1x Aeldari power sword

    1x Shuriken pistol

    1x Voidbringer

    Spiritseer (80 Points)

    • 1x Shuriken pistol

    1x Witch staff

    • Enhancements: Fate’s Messenger

    The Yncarne (350 Points)

    • 1x Swirling soul energy

    1x Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls


    Night Spinner (180 Points)

    • 1x Doomweaver

    1x Twin shuriken catapult

    1x Wraithbone hull

    Night Spinner (180 Points)

    • 1x Doomweaver

    1x Twin shuriken catapult

    1x Wraithbone hull

    Skyweavers (95 Points)

    • 2x Skyweaver

    • 2x Close combat weapon

    2x Skyweaver haywire cannon

    2x Star bolas

    Skyweavers (95 Points)

    • 2x Skyweaver

    • 2x Close combat weapon

    2x Skyweaver haywire cannon

    2x Star bolas

    Swooping Hawks (75 Points)

    • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Hawk’s Talon

    • 4x Swooping Hawk

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Lasblaster

    Swooping Hawks (75 Points)

    • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Hawk’s Talon

    • 4x Swooping Hawk

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Lasblaster

    Warp Spiders (115 Points)

    • 1x Warp Spider Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Death spinner

    1x Death spinner

    1x Powerblades

    • 4x Warp Spider

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Death spinner

    Warp Spiders (115 Points)

    • 1x Warp Spider Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Death spinner

    1x Death spinner

    1x Powerblades

    • 4x Warp Spider

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Death spinner

    Wraithguard (340 Points)

    • 10x Wraithguard

    • 10x Close combat weapon

    10x Wraithcannon

The big baddy in the meta and funnily enough the only eldar list at the event. The Dutch community isn’t very fond of pointy ears, I guess? The Eldar index is an extremely potent rulesset and it’s very hard to beat them. With their basic rule of giving every unit a free hit AND wound reroll they are very efficient. Their fatedice makes this even more so. Felix is basically bringing a mix of all the good Eldar units with a few tech pieces in Illic Nightspear and the Skyweavers. Every decent Eldar list begins with the Autarch wayleaper, Farseer and the Yncarne, The wayleaper is a lone operative which makes your primary/secondary scoring so much better. At 115 points, this model also gives you an extra CP in your command phase and if that’s not all, it has a great gun and decent combat output with fight first!!! Felix has chosen to place the phoenix gem (which lets your model get back up on a 2+ at the end of the phase) on the Wayleaper to guarantee his survivability, I’d personally put that on the farseer but we’ll have to see how this plays out on the table. 

The Farseer is your general buffpiece, giving you fatedice manipulation and the ability to give a unit -1 to wound. There are 2 prime targets for this ability, either the Wraithguard or the Yncarne. The farseer is t3, 4 wound character with 4++ which is NOT a lone operative. 

Now to get into the Yncarne, already the bane of 10th edition, one of the 75 crutches of the Eldar faction and probably the most frustrating datasheet in the game. A t10 12 wounds 2+ 4++ model, with a decent flamer and melee attacks sounds all decent and reasonable, but it’s her special abilities which will make your game into her a mindbreaker. Whenever a unit is destroyed on the table The Yncarne can teleport to where the last model of the unit was once per phase. This grants the Eldar player an enormous control over the flow of the game which you have to experience to fully realise how busted it is. Eldar lists usually bring an assorted mix of indirect fire weapons (hello nighspinners) which creates scenarios where they can kill your small chaff unit and place the Yncarne right in the middle of your castle, flame another unit and charge one your essential pieces, only to cut it down in a fell stroke, GAMEBREAKINGLY GOOD!!! It’s extremely difficult to keep your units safe from the Yncarne and it will cost you meticilous planning and time to screen her out properly. Now you could think “ that’s fine, when she’s close i’ll just blast her from the table”. Remember the farseer who can cast a -1 to wound? Add in fate dice where the Eldar player can just autopass saves and the Yncarne’s ability to HALF any incoming damage and you have a very Durable, fast and extremely deadly unit in your lines. Good luck in removing here! (small tip, tank shock, grenade strat and any way of dev wounds in your list will help) 

If that was your only concern we wouldn’t be talking about this list, Felix has also brought the very undercosted and efficient Wraithguard with the Spiritseer. This unit while having 2+ t7 and 3 wounds each has the infantry keyword which means they can walk through walls, have full use of the phantasm stratagem and, like any unit in the index, they can strike and fade. This unit is armed with 10 wraithcannons (S14, Ap4, Dd6 Dev Wounds) but not only that, when you shoot them, they can shoot you back at full ballistic skill. Very deadly! The spiritseer grants them +1 to hit, and in their command phase he can resurrect one of the models. Felix has also equipped her with Fate’s messenger, which means, he can turn any of their dice to a 6, devastating wounds on demand! The nightspinners are the 2 indirect fire tanks which also shoot devastating wounds, this list has devastating wounds everywhere! They have a dual role in this list, either as a delivery system for The Yncarne or they disrupt his opponent’s gameplan. An enemy unit hit by the Nightspinners has a -2” move penalty and that unit is not allowed to advance. For some armies, the Nightspinner just stops their game completely. 

Now onto Felix’s tech choices: Illic is a lone operative which helps with holding primary objectives, something the Eldar are not that good at. The Skyweavers are cheap, fast bike units who spray mortal wounds on vehicles, in a meta of Votann vehicles, CSM forgefiends, Tau and Space Marine dreadnoughtspam these guys are here to do work! Felix has opted to make their secondary weapon also a shooting attack to fully hammer on the damage. I’d personally take the melee option as this gives you even more movement and the possibility to steal objectives or keep your bikes a bit more safe, but let’s see how they play out.

The list is rounded out with Warpspiders and Swooping hawks, while these units also have a decent shooting output they are mostly there to play the primary/secondary game. I’m going to be real fair, I find it the responsibility of the Eldar player to make the game somewhat enjoyable for their opponent. The Eldar rules are just way too strong and it’s hard to put a price point on it which would make it any better. We wish you good luck Felix, but not too much, you bad, bad man.

  • Space Marines

    Black Templars

    Strike Force (2000 points)

    Ironstorm Spearhead


    Techmarine (95 points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Forge bolter

    1x Grav-pistol

    1x Omnissian power axe

    1x Servo-arm

    • Enhancement: Target Augury Web (Aura)


    Black Templars Impulsor (85 points)

    • 1x Armoured hull

    1x Bellicatus missile array

    1x Multi-melta

    2x Storm bolter


    Black Templars Gladiator Valiant (155 points)

    • 1x Armoured hull

    1x Icarus rocket pod

    2x Multi-melta

    1x Multi-melta

    1x Twin las-talon

    Black Templars Gladiator Valiant (155 points)

    • 1x Armoured hull

    1x Icarus rocket pod

    2x Multi-melta

    1x Multi-melta

    1x Twin las-talon

    Eliminator Squad (75 points)

    • 1x Eliminator Sergeant

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    1x Instigator bolt carbine

    • 2x Eliminator

    • 2x Bolt pistol

    2x Close combat weapon

    2x Las fusil

    Eliminator Squad (75 points)

    • 1x Eliminator Sergeant

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    1x Instigator bolt carbine

    • 2x Eliminator

    • 2x Bolt pistol

    2x Close combat weapon

    2x Las fusil

    Inceptor Squad (220 points)

    • 1x Inceptor Sergeant

    • 1x Assault bolters

    1x Close combat weapon

    • 5x Inceptor

    • 5x Assault bolters

    5x Close combat weapon

    Inceptor Squad (220 points)

    • 1x Inceptor Sergeant

    • 1x Assault bolters

    1x Close combat weapon

    • 5x Inceptor

    • 5x Assault bolters

    5x Close combat weapon

    Scout Squad (55 points)

    • 1x Scout Sergeant

    • 1x Astartes chainsword

    1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    • 4x Scout

    • 2x Astartes shotgun

    4x Bolt pistol

    4x Close combat weapon

    1x Missile launcher

    1x Scout sniper rifle

    Scout Squad (55 points)

    • 1x Scout Sergeant

    • 1x Astartes chainsword

    1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    • 4x Scout

    • 2x Astartes shotgun

    4x Bolt pistol

    4x Close combat weapon

    1x Missile launcher

    1x Scout sniper rifle

    Scout Squad (55 points)

    • 1x Scout Sergeant

    • 1x Astartes chainsword

    1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    • 4x Scout

    • 2x Astartes shotgun

    4x Bolt pistol

    4x Close combat weapon

    1x Missile launcher

    1x Scout sniper rifle

    Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (160 points)

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Stormfury missiles

    1x Thunderstrike las-talon

    1x Twin Icarus rocket pod

    Storm Speeder Thunderstrike (160 points)

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Stormfury missiles

    1x Thunderstrike las-talon

    1x Twin Icarus rocket pod

    Whirlwind (145 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter

    1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

    Whirlwind (145 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter

    1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

    Whirlwind (145 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter

    1x Whirlwind vengeance launcher

The new Space Marines codex is here and who would be better to come up with the jank than Amsterdam’s finest Brian Lijs? Arguably the best Deathguard player in NL Brian is back to his old love the Space Marines and he made a perfect go first and win list!

Brian has opted for the ironstorm spearhead detachment( AKA I like guns detachment) which has been making the rounds as potentially the strongest detachment in the books. It gives every unit a free hit and wound reroll and its enhancements and stratagems tend to favor vehicles the most. Brian likes to travel light to events, and wants his games to be quick so he can drink more beer so having an 80% vehicle list is totally his jam!

Brian has added some inconsequential stuff like scouts, eliminators and inceptors but we and Brian are here for the Whirlwinds and gladiator valliants! The Techmarine with his enhancement has a 6” aura of lethal hits, which he will most likely put near his Whirlwinds with their AP-2 D2 shots. Oh, did you know he could give one of his tanks sustained hits? Sounds like it will work very nicely with Oath of moments, right? It will! It’s a nice combo that will surely clear out all your scoring units or he could just focus on one of your important units and remove it from the table. 

The Gladiatior Valliant is a nice sturdy tank with a decent amount of shots, Brian went for the Black Templars variant which gives him the option for an extra multi melta, that’s a total of 6 multimelta shots per tank! The two stormspeeders are just another platform for guns, these just move a bit quicker in case Brian decides to play the actual game. It’s a straightforward list with a deadly gameplan, but sometimes that’s all you need to win. If you can manage to win the roll-off and go first you can try to rush them or just simply survive their output. Focus on the scoreboard and don’t get blasted off the table.
I was giving Felix flack for playing Eldar, but if you’re playing Brian this weekend we think he should buy you a beer. Good luck Brian, we think you’re a strong contender for that DTC invitational ticket!

  • Dick Chaos Knights

    2k Tim Pinney is a madman (2000 Points)

    Chaos Knights

    Traitoris Lance

    Strike Force (2000 Points)


    War Dog Stalker (150 Points)*

    • Warlord

    • 1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    1x Slaughterclaw

    * This Datasheet also has the Battleline keyword


    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Brigand (160 Points)

    • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Avenger chaincannon

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Havoc multi-launcher

    War Dog Huntsman (150 Points)

    • 1x Daemonbreath meltagun

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Reaper chaintalon

    War Dog Huntsman (150 Points)

    • 1x Daemonbreath meltagun

    1x Daemonbreath spear

    1x Reaper chaintalon

    War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)

    • 1x Havoc multi-launcher

    1x Reaper chaintalon

    1x Slaughterclaw

    War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)

    • 1x Havoc multi-launcher

    1x Reaper chaintalon

    1x Slaughterclaw

    War Dog Karnivore (140 Points)

    • 1x Havoc multi-launcher

    1x Reaper chaintalon

    1x Slaughterclaw


    Nurglings (35 Points)

    • 3x Nurgling Swarm

    • 3x Diseased claws and teeth

    Nurglings (35 Points)

    • 3x Nurgling Swarm

    • 3x Diseased claws and teeth

    Nurglings (35 Points)

    • 3x Nurgling Swarm

    • 3x Diseased claws and teeth

    The Blue Scribes (65 Points)

    • 1x Sharp quills

Of course I had to write about Dick and his Chaos Knights. For the last couple of years, Dick has been a solid Necrons player. Recently he has made the switch to Chaos Knights and he’s been making a hot mess on the scene! The 12 wardog list is easy to play, hard to master, and an experienced player with Chaos Knights is always in the running to win the tournament! The list has little room for innovation or big changes, it’s 3 Karnivores (the fighty knights), 6 Brigands (The shooty knights) 1 stalker (melta and claw) and 2 Huntsmen (claw and meltas). The Wardogs are just a very efficient datasheet for the amount points, add in the fact that every wardog is OC8 and they have very solid primary scoring. 

With his last remaining points Dick has added Nurglings and The Blue Scribes - apparently you do need to score some secondaries, right? Their ability to force Leadership checks on their opponents’ units has the ability to hamper with their plans and even their primary scoring. Screening against Chaos Knights is also very hard, not only do they have 13D6 S5 blast shots to clear any screens, but they also have a stratagem that allows 2 wardogs to move through walls and models, these guys are fast and they will charge you! With their speed, durability and output there is no real easy way to deal with this enormous statcheck army. If you can, you just need to throw all our damage output at them and hope it’s enough. I think it would be a great finale to see Dick and his Wardogs go up againsy Brian and his Multimeltas. Wo will win, the hot dogs VS the barbeque!!! Good Luck Dickie! 


And that’s it for todays list review! This weekends Wardice RTT is turning out to be an absolute sharktank with a bunch of WTC prospects and veterans mixed in with a couple of first time tournaments go-ers and Wardice regulars! We wish all the players good luck and a lot of fun of this event. Dino will be attending the event and bringing World Eaters so expect some pics of glorious melee combat on our Instagram and Discord


The Space Marine Codex: A Review by JC
