Four Dutchmen are on their way to Atlanta…sounds like the start to a bad joke, but in reality our Dutchies are going to compete in the first ever Warhammer 40K World Championships, sponsored by Games Workkshop! While Dean feverishly paints the final models needed for his list I will be interviewing the other three heading across the pond for this incredible event. Last week we heard from Rob Goosens and how he intends to take Necrons to the top of the heap. Today, I’m with recovering Necronist, current maverick renegade knight, Dick van der Harst. Dick van der Harst. Dick - thank you for taking the time to chat with me!

Let’s start right at the beginning. What got you into competitive 40K?
I have always worked on lists and list-building. I think about it constantly. I look for interesting combinations of strats and units. But once I realized how to look at an army as a whole, from detachment rules to the strengths of an army’s stratagems, and not just as a collection of datasheets is when I leveled up my game. By leveraging an army’s complete package I was able to make lists stronger, play the game more tactically and I started winning more games and eventually events.

Felix (left) and Dick (right) in the finale of the Wardice RTT in October.

You’ve recently made the switch from Necrons to Chaos Knights and i know you’ve played some Tau in the past. On a glance it’s hard to see a similarity between those factions, which brings me to my next question. How would you describe your playstyle?
I really try to simplify the game. I focus heavily on the primary mission. I know a lot of lists are built for secondary scoring, but my idea is that there's a reason they call it primary. I look at that first and want to secure as many primary points as possible each game and look for opportunities to deny my opponent primary points, even if it’s only for a turn. It can swing a close game into a small win or a solid win into a huge victory, which is great for teams events and helps move you through the ranks of singles tournaments.

How did you punch your ticket to Atlanta?
I won the Dutch Master’s Qualifier last June. It was a great tournament with a lot of solid players and, on the day, I was good enough and lucky enough (because you have to be a bit lucky) to win the event, a ticket to the DTC invitational RTT, and my Golden Ticket to the Warhammer World Championships! 

We’re two weeks till Atlanta, what excites you most about the event?
I believe that to improve as a player you need to play against opponents who can beat you. Different metas have different styles of lists and tactics. I am excited to travel to play 40K and play against the best players from all over the world. (And to spend an entire week with meeeee!!! “Dino”)

The Warhammer finals have a very different setup than our usual tournaments in the Netherlands or even Europe. They have very different terrain, a different tournamentpath with pods and specific ranking metrics and no WTC FAQ! How did you prepare for this event?
Honestly, I haven’t prepped as much as I’d like for this one. I have been playing enough games, that helps me understand my army and what they can and cannot do, but I haven’t really played on any of the GW terrain sets of layouts. I did play at the GW Manchester event and that was pretty good, but I should probably try to get a few more games in on the maps and missions for Atlanta.

We probably know the answer to this question already, what army are you bringing to Atlanta?
Chaos Knights and Daemons BABY!!!!! They’re fast, they have A LOT of output and, most importantly, they score primary really well - and that fits my style (see above). I also love the leadership shenanigans they bring to the table and the daemons are there to screen and do actions, denying my opponent access to parts of the board and scoring me secondary points along the way.

 Is there anyone you’re looking forward to playing in ATL?
I really want to play against people I’ve never played before. I heard that a number of champions from Korea, Japan and China are coming over. It would be epic to play against them and see what the Asian meta is like, because we hear so little about it in Europe.

So, let’s go a bit more into your preparation, what’s something that you can’t do without at a tournament?

I really like to visualize the games I’ll be playing beforehand, so I really love the Tabletop Battles app. I always put in all the different rounds and missions before I attend the event. It makes me think about potential deployment zones and tactics I could use. Some of the tenth-edition missions require such a different playstyle, it’s unreal. It also saves mental space, not having to look them up when you begin the game, and ensures I can strategize immediately! I also need my Team NL dice box, objective markers, and my magnetic army case. It makes traveling so much easier. 

Alright, last question, and then you can get back to your busy schedule. Do you have any tips for us mortals to get good enough to compete for a spot at the world champs?
Branch out and play a different army than you’re used to. I am known for playing Necrons, but I think I’ve had more success with Chaos Knights. I think I got stuck with my “old” army and needed something to reinvigorate my passion for the game. Chaos Knights have definitely delivered on that and they have forced me to look at the game differently and see challenges and opportunities on the tabletop and in my own playstyle. So beg and borrow something new and completely different than what you’re playing now. 

Thank you, Dick for taking the time. We wish you all the best at the World Championships. The DTC will follow Dick and the other three Dutchies as they prepare to invade Atlanta. Next up in this series - the Primaris Lt of the Iron Hands, Thomas Beckers. Stay Tuned!

By winning the DTC Circuit or the upcoming DTC Masters you can win a Golden Ticket and secure your invite to next season’s Warhammer World Championships for more information visit us on the DTC40K website, hangout with us on the DTC40K discord, where we help you sharpen your skills and support us on Patreon to gain access to the best players in the country and trade ideas on secret discord channels only open to our members. Till next time!


