While Dean is galavanting around Hotlanta I am preparing for this weekend’s Alliance Open GT. I have to say, I am looking forward to this tournament more than any other. Besides the obvious upsides to a tournament of this size (seeing friends, eating lunch at the Van der Valk, etc.) there are two reasons that this year’s Alliance open GT is going to be amazing! 

First, I am bringing the Necrons! (Caveat: This article is not a part of the Rubicon series - that will come a bit later. Apologies, but life got in the way of a bit of hobby time and focus over the past few weeks - but I will return to dominate a tournament soon - so watch out!). In the past, like many of you, I have been a filthy metachaser. I played Blood Angels when they were hot, Sisters in 9th when they were good and Wraithknight Eldar earlier this edition. But I felt that by playing the best in the game at the moment, my personal development as a player had stalled. I was relying too much on the crutches of datasheets, strats and army rules and not able to express, or even accurately evaluate, my skill as a player. The Necrons, especially at this event, afford me the opportunity to test my mettle against some of the best around. Also, the list I am bringing does not rely on any gimmicks. It’s not the 20-warrior brick (time will tell whether that’s a mistake) - but I feel that most armies have an answer to that now, my build can dominate the primary and push back when tagged. Finally, the practice games leading up to this event have been some of the closest, most interesting and most fun games I have had in 10th edition! My list isn’t unkillable (it’s durable for sure, but can die if played wrong), can dominate the primary and score well on secondaries. The lack of speed and the reanimation protocols Necrons have forces you to think ahead, focus on the scoreboard and play a much more conservative game. These are all skills that I need to improve upon to become a better player.  

I need to give a huge shoutout to Dick for letting me borrow his army while he’s taking names in Atlanta.

The winners from the Alliance Open GT 2022, will you be making the cut this coming weekend?

The second reason why the 2023 AO GT is going to be great, this is the widest spread of factions I have ever seen at a tournament! Of course, there are the usual meta lists with triple spinner Eldar, triple lord CSM and infinite sagitaur Votann - but the overall meta composition is solid, dare I say - healthy?! And with the recent results posted by Nids, Sisters and Drukhari - it seems like any faction piloted well, can win it this year. The three most represented factions are Space Marines (no surprise there), Chaos Knights and Orks, with Tau, Guard and Necrons rounding out the top five!!! With such a good spread it’s going to be hard to play any faction more than once, even at the top tables. I, for one, cannot wait to play into this meta and see what I can do against so many good factions. 

Everybody loves piecharts.

In sticking with tradition I’ve pulled three lists (and players) out that I’d like to talk about in a bit more detail. These lists were chosen because of their power, their pressure and their ability to prove they’re right! They each approach the game differently with one going for the quick kill, one providing up-front pressure and one getting stronger as the game progresses.  

First up, Aeldari - I know! I know! But hear me out…

  • DeYnnari (1995 points)


    Strike Force (2000 points)

    Battle Host


    Death Jester (105 points)

    • 1x Jester’s blade

    1x Shrieker cannon

    • Enhancement: Fate’s Messenger 

    Yvraine (100 points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows

    1x Storm of Whispers


    Night Spinner (180 points)

    • 1x Doomweaver

    1x Shuriken cannon

    1x Wraithbone hull

    Night Spinner (180 points)

    • 1x Doomweaver

    1x Shuriken cannon

    1x Wraithbone hull

    Vypers (85 points)

    • 1x Bright lance

    1x Twin shuriken catapult

    1x Wraithbone hull

    Vypers (85 points)

    • 1x Bright lance

    1x Twin shuriken catapult

    1x Wraithbone hull

    War Walkers (110 points)

    • 2x Bright lance

    1x War Walker feet

    War Walkers (110 points)

    • 2x Bright lance

    1x War Walker feet

    Warp Spiders (115 points)

    • 1x Warp Spider Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Death spinner

    1x Death spinner

    1x Powerblades

    • 4x Warp Spider

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Death spinner

    Warp Spiders (115 points)

    • 1x Warp Spider Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Death spinner

    1x Death spinner

    1x Powerblades

    • 4x Warp Spider

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Death spinner

    Warp Spiders (115 points)

    • 1x Warp Spider Exarch

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Death spinner

    1x Death spinner

    1x Powerblades

    • 4x Warp Spider

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Death spinner


    Mandrakes (65 points)

    • 1x Nightfiend

    • 1x Baleblast

    1x Glimmersteel blade

    • 4x Mandrake

    • 4x Baleblast

    4x Glimmersteel blade

    Mandrakes (65 points)

    • 1x Nightfiend

    • 1x Baleblast

    1x Glimmersteel blade

    • 4x Mandrake

    • 4x Baleblast

    4x Glimmersteel blade

    Ravager (115 points)

    • 1x Bladevanes

    3x Dark lance

    Ravager (115 points)

    • 1x Bladevanes

    3x Dark lance

    Ravager (115 points)

    • 1x Bladevanes

    3x Dark lance

    Scourges (110 points)

    • 1x Solarite

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Shardcarbine

    1x Solarite weapon

    • 4x Scourge

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Dark lance

    Scourges (110 points)

    • 1x Solarite

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Shardcarbine

    1x Solarite weapon

    • 4x Scourge

    • 4x Close combat weapon

    4x Dark lance

    scription text goes here

This isn’t your typical Eldar list. Yes CJ does have two night spinners, but nobody’s perfect! And even though he is playing his list as Ynnari he’s not bringing the Yncarne! But don’t let the lack of avatars fool you. I have played against CJ in practice and this list slaps! It has movement, firepower and enough bright and dark lances to bring down the toughest things in the game in a single turn. The list is rounded out with a couple units of scourges (for a few more dark lances) and triple warp spiders for secondary scoring and volume of shots. This unique take on the Eldar goes hard into vehicles, monsters and elite infantry. The only thing I see him struggling into is hyper-aggressive hordes. Wait! Do you hear that? It sounds like a…

  • Beastboss (115 points)

    • 1x Beast Snagga klaw

    1x Beastchoppa

    1x Shoota

    • Enhancement: Kunnin’ but Brutal

    Kaptin Badrukk (80 points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Choppa

    1x Da Rippa

    1x Slugga

    Mozrog Skragbad (195 points)

    • 1x Big Chompa’s jaws

    1x Gutrippa

    1x Thump gun

    Nob on Smasha Squig (80 points)

    • 1x Big choppa

    1x Slugga

    1x Smasha squig jaws

    • Enhancement: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa

    Warboss (90 points)

    • 1x Attack squig

    1x Kombi-weapon

    1x Power klaw

    1x Twin slugga

    • Enhancement: Follow Me Ladz


    Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points)

    • 1x Beast Snagga Nob

    • 1x Power snappa

    1x Slugga

    • 9x Beast Snagga Boy

    • 9x Choppa

    9x Slugga

    Beast Snagga Boyz (105 points)

    • 1x Beast Snagga Nob

    • 1x Power snappa

    1x Slugga

    • 9x Beast Snagga Boy

    • 9x Choppa

    9x Slugga


    Trukk (60 points)

    • 1x Big shoota

    1x Spiked wheels

    1x Wreckin’ ball

    Trukk (60 points)

    • 1x Big shoota

    1x Spiked wheels

    1x Wreckin’ ball

    Trukk (60 points)

    • 1x Big shoota

    1x Spiked wheels

    1x Wreckin’ ball


    Flash Gitz (190 points)

    • 1x Kaptin

    • 1x Choppa

    1x Snazzgun

    • 9x Flash Git

    • 9x Choppa

    9x Snazzgun

    Gretchin (40 points)

    • 1x Runtherd

    • 1x Grot-smacka

    1x Slugga

    • 10x Gretchin

    • 10x Close combat weapon

    10x Grot blasta

    Gretchin (40 points)

    • 1x Runtherd

    • 1x Grot-smacka

    1x Slugga

    • 10x Gretchin

    • 10x Close combat weapon

    10x Grot blasta

    Nobz (210 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob

    • 1x Power klaw

    1x Slugga

    • 9x Nob

    • 9x Power klaw

    9x Slugga

    Squighog Boyz (220 points)

    • 6x Squighog Boy

    • 6x Saddlegit weapons

    6x Squighog jaws and saddlegits

    6x Stikka

    Stormboyz (65 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob

    • 1x Choppa

    1x Slugga

    • 4x Stormboy

    • 4x Choppa

    4x Slugga

    Stormboyz (65 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob

    • 1x Choppa

    1x Slugga

    • 4x Stormboy

    • 4x Choppa

    4x Slugga

    Stormboyz (65 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob

    • 1x Choppa

    1x Slugga

    • 4x Stormboy

    • 4x Choppa

    4x Slugga

    Warbikers (70 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob on Warbike

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Power klaw

    1x Twin dakkagun

    • 2x Warbiker

    • 2x Close combat weapon

    2x Twin dakkagun

    Warbikers (70 points)

    • 1x Boss Nob on Warbike

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Power klaw

    1x Twin dakkagun

    • 2x Warbiker

    • 2x Close combat weapon

    2x Twin dakkagun

I’m not sure if we should call it a comeback, because I think they’ve been solid all along, but the Orks are back in the Dutch meta in a big way and they’re doing it in style! All the way from Mechelen, home of the WTC Micha is bringing his warband across the border looking for trophies. His list has the usual Orky goodness with three trukks, Mozrog and a Beast Boss, but Micha is bringing Kaptin Badrukk and a unit of Flash Gitz for some firepower and two units of warbikers for some quick, tough pressure. I’m looking forward to hearing the Belgian rendition of WAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH ring out in the Van der Valk all weekend. But Micha better not shout too loudly or this next list will not be happy.

  • Dialogus (Karen) (30 points)

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Dialogus staff

    Morvenn Vahl (Supreme Karen) (125 points)

    • Warlord

    • 1x Fidelis

    1x Lance of Illumination

    1x Paragon missile launcher

    Palatine (HOA Karen) (65 points)

    • 1x Palatine blade

    1x Plasma pistol

    • Enhancement: Blade of Saint Ellynor

    Triumph of Saint Karin (Triumph of Saint Katherine) (125 points)

    • 1x Bolt pistols

    1x Relic weapons


    Battle Sisters Squad (100 points)

    • 1x Sister Superior

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    1x Plasma pistol

    1x Power weapon

    • 9x Battle Sister

    • 9x Bolt pistol

    7x Boltgun

    9x Close combat weapon

    1x Meltagun

    1x Multi-melta

    1x Simulacrum Imperialis


    Sororitas Rhino (75 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter

    Sororitas Rhino (75 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter


    Arco-flagellants (130 points)

    • 10x Arco-flagellant

    • 10x Arco-flails

    Arco-flagellants (130 points)

    • 10x Arco-flagellant

    • 10x Arco-flails

    Arco-flagellants (130 points)

    • 10x Arco-flagellant

    • 10x Arco-flails

    Castigator (140 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Castigator Battlecannon

    3x Heavy bolter

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter

    Crusaders (25 points)

    • 2x Crusader

    • 2x Power weapon

    Crusaders (25 points)

    • 2x Crusader

    • 2x Power weapon

    Exorcist (160 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Exorcist missile launcher

    1x Heavy bolter

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    Exorcist (160 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Exorcist missile launcher

    1x Heavy bolter

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    Exorcist (160 points)

    • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Exorcist missile launcher

    1x Heavy bolter

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    Paragon Warsuits (200 points)

    • 1x Paragon Superior

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Multi-melta

    1x Paragon grenade launchers

    1x Paragon war mace

    • 2x Paragon

    • 2x Bolt pistol

    2x Multi-melta

    2x Paragon grenade launchers

    2x Paragon war blade

    Seraphim Squad (70 points)

    • 1x Seraphim Superior

    • 1x Close combat weapon

    1x Plasma pistol

    1x Power weapon

    • 4x Seraphim

    • 4x Bolt pistol

    4x Close combat weapon

    4x Ministorum hand flamer

    Seraphim Squad (70 points)

    • 1x Seraphim Superior

    • 1x Bolt pistol

    1x Close combat weapon

    1x Plasma pistol

    • 4x Seraphim

    • 4x Bolt pistol

    4x Close combat weapon

    4x Ministorum hand flamer

Sisters stocks have been on the rise for a quick minute. Their showing in Tampa has really put them on the map and even forced our brothers at AOW to admit that Sisters are an A-Tier army. Someone who never doubted the prowess of the nuns with guns is our very own Simon “Eirbal” Borgers. He’s been on sisters (sounds so wrong) for months and has been getting stronger by the game. The combo of the Dialogus, Palatine and Triumph turns a mundane unit of battle sisters into a lethal bevy, capable of slowing down the most egregious intruders. Backed up by triple exorcists, the Vahlgons are going to wreck face across the table, while 30 arco flags sit on objectives and dare you to try to snatch them away. All of this is backed by Miracle Dice, in my opinion, a stronger mechanic than Fate Dice.   

I look forward to seeing what each of these lists and their pilots do on the tables this weekend and wish them all the best. To follow all the chatter around the AO GT and upcoming events hang out with us on the DTC40K discord to help you sharpen your skills and support us on Patreonto gain access to the best players in the country and trade ideas on secret discord channels only open to our members. You will also get feedback on list design and strategy and other sweet DTC merch.  


