The Dutch Masters weekend is almost upon us, so we will review some of the players and lists in the upcoming 3 weeks. First up are the 8 brave souls who are participating in the DTC invitationals. These 8 players will enter in a single elimination 3-round tournament with 1 player being able to call himself king of kings, our new Wilhelm van Oranje! Before the event all the players will be seeded from 1 to 8, depending on their seeding we will know which players pair into each other. Player 1 goes into player 8, 2 into 7 and so forth. The seeding will be done by using their current DTC40K ranking and by community vote! Everyone can use the following form to fill in their personal ranking of the invitees. To make your job a bit easier we will give you the rundown of all 8 players where they won their ticket and what you can expect from them to play. 

Daniël van den Berg

Let’s start with the exception of the rule, the only player who is in the DTC invitational by not winning the event but being the best sporting player at The Dutch Masters qualifier last summer! Daniel showed you can be a champion of the game and not be a sweaty diehard like some others in this article. With a 50% win rate playing Orks, Daniel showed he can pack a punch while bringing a smile to your face. Daniel hasn’t been playing a lot of 40K in the last couple of months so he will probably bring his trusty orks to the table. Daniel is a member of the biggest and best gamingclub club ‘Wardice’ so you can expect he will end up quite high in the community ranking. Good luck Daniel and get krumpin!

Dick v/d harst

Past Amsterdam Battle Brothers member, Past Alliance Open TO, Current member of Team NL, and one of the potentials to win it all this weekend: Big Dick van der Harst! Dick snagged his spot by winning the Dutch Masters qualifier this past summer, winning events is what he regularly does and he has his sights on this weekend as well! Dick has been internationally known as one of the best Necron players in the world but has jumped ship to Chaos Knights since 10th edition. Unlike other Necron players, Dick knows how to play other factions, and he’s pretty good at it as well!

I’ve known Dick as a pretty passive player, he likes to put a lot of pressure on his opponent forcing them to make the first move while he waits and does as minimal as possible. With the current necrons codex, I could see Dick jumping back to his old love for the angry robot men. Dick, all the best man! I might put in a cheeky little bet on you ;)


Frank van der Vooren

Schiedam’s finest and the man who is responsible for 75% of the Dutch battle-ready armies, Frank van der Vooren! Frank is what you call a factionhopper. This man tends to visit every tournament with a different army. I would do too if could paint as fast as Frank! All this faction hopping does give Frank a broad perspective of the game, a tool which he can use to his advantage to squeeze out the win! Frank won his ticket by winning one of the Wardice tournaments. I’ve known Frank as a quite aggressive player, if you bait him to push the button he will most likely go for it, just don’t be surprised if he comes out on top of the brawl! As mentioned before, it’s impossible to tell what army Frank will bring to the table but you can bet your butts it will be top of the meta and battleready! Good Luck Frank!


Florian den Uijl

The King of the North, Mister Wizard himself, Magnus did nothing wrong, Florian den Uijl. Florian is one of the most knowledgeable players in our community and he will correct you if you play your rules incorrectly. Befittingly he’s known as THE thousand Sons player in the Netherlands, but with their recent nerfs he has been switching to Adeptus Mechanicus another faction with way too many rules but sadly not known for its raw power. I know Florian has been dabbling with more of the ruinous power factions so you could easily see him pop up with CSM or even Deathguard. With Florian, you will get an interesting strategic game. If you slip up in your decision-making or strategy Florian will spot your error and put his foot on the gas pedal to punish you. Good Luck Florian, I’m very curious to see what you’re bringing to the invitational and the
Dutch Masters.


Rob Goossens

The other Necrons players from the Netherlands and the pride of Wardice Rob Goossens!

I’ve been giving this man the brunt of my grumpy mood but no matter what I do, this guy will always be chipper and in for a good time. Rob is our first DTC40K winner and he’s been wearing the crown with grace and dignity befitting our first champion! In 2023 he has been part of team NL, and holding down the fort with his beloved Necrons. it’s on;y fair to mention that Rob has been having a bumpy ride in the first months of 10th edition. His beloved factions of t’au, drukharii and necrons haven’t been performing as he would like, but now with the new necrons codex Rob looks to be fully charged and ready for mayhem at the Invitational. 

The big question is, how many C’tan will Rob bring? Good Luck buddy! May you whiff all you 4+ invulnerable saves<3


Josef Levy

Randstad represent! Josef is here with his Angron and he’s ready to do some smashing!
Known predominantly for his conversion projects Josef has decided to be more active in the competitive scene, and with great success! At the beginning of the season he has been fooling around with T’au but after seeing the international success of Worldeaters Josef jumped ship pretty quickly and never looked back. Worldeaters are a pretty straightforward army so with enough reps you can master this army and be very surgical with it. You can expect Josef to put a lot of pressure on the mid-table objectives forcing you to come out, to contest points but also give the worldeaters options to charge kill maim and burn. Josef snagged his ticket at the Rottenhammer events with his world eaters and with their current state in the Meta I think it’s safe to say you can expect him to bring to the invitational as well, good luck Josef, BLOOD FOR THE…


Christian Domburg

And of course, team NL most lovable guy, a previous Lost Legion member but now part of the illustrious and well-fed Warzone Presikhaaf team (I see you Lindeman!) is joining the invitational party as well!! Another crazy factionhopper and fast painter (I see a trend here) is joining our merry band for the DTC invitationals. Christian has been playing a lot of Astra Militarum lately but his love of the short kings will never cease. I think it’s going to be a toss off to see what faction is going to be, but it’s guaranteed going to be the table with the most fun! Christian’s plan for the invitational is quite genius though, bring enough alcoholic beverages so his opponents will not be able to complete in his game. good luck Christian, let’s see if you can get your arch Nemesis Rob in round 1 ;)


Brian Lijs

And last but not least, Amsterdams Christmas king, Pontania’s supreme bartender, Brian Lijs!

Want to know what good-looking warhammer looks like? Google, Brian Lijs..what a beautifully sculpted man. Brian is one of the most creative list builders we have in the Netherlands and very knowledgeable on the rules. Brian loves a big fat codex where he can dive into the datasheets and rules so obviously he is a space marines kinda guy. But Brian is also very stubborn and refuses to play anything else than his go-to tactics: go first and win! This will mean Brian will be the biggest wildcard in this event. Either he’s going to hit the Homerun from the rolloff or He will lose his game in the first hour. It’s all part of his plan though, cause that means more drinking, ey Brian? Good Luck buddy! 


And that’s it ladies and gentlemen, are our 8 players for the DTC invitational! Want to have a say on who plays who in the first round? fill in your ranking here. Want to watch the mayhem? our friends at Amsterdamned Wargaming will be streaming the entire weekend so get your popcorn and beverages ready, this is going to be the best 40K weekend in the Netherlands! To follow all the chatter around the Dutch Masters tournament and upcoming events  hang out with us on the DTC discord . Want to support us? Become a Patreon member and gain access to the best players in the country and trade ideas on secret discord channels only open to our members. You will also get feedback on list design and strategy and other sweet DTC merch.


