2023 was a great year for Dutch Warhammer and the DTC40K! In total, we had more than 30 40K events this past year. 238 players are now registered in the DTC rankings, which is more than we have ever had before. There are tight races for a few DTC Best In Faction spots which will be decided this weekend and the overall DTC winner is still “technically” up for grabs. 

There have been so many great stories in 2023. One of the year's best stories is the everlasting feud between Christian Domburg and Rob Goossens. We will see the next chapter play out in real-time at the DTC invitational this Friday, as the two of them roll dice against each other in round one! 

Another awesome story is the number of tournaments and tournament attendance is on the rise. The success of Rottenhammer and its expansion to the Hague is just one example. With more events scheduled for 2024, the unofficial “second home” of Dutch Warhammer is attracting more and more talent to events.  

The Alliance Open GT at Schiphol is a staple in the calendar for most of you. This year it clashed with the WCW so some of the top players missed out on the happenings, but it was great to see so many duke it out for Top Dog. Big Congratulations to Ron Eliyahoo who won that event with his big monster nid list! 

Ron Eliyahoo snagging the win at the Alliance Open GT

Amsterdam Battle Brothers made a comeback in 2023, hosting a few events later in the year and already scheduling training cages and an Ironman in 2024.  

The “controversial” launch of the DTC discord has been a success. The overall channel structure is an ever-evolving process, but it is a place where we can all hang out and chat about the hobby, buy, sell and trade minis and it’s a great platform for arranging your TTS games. 

The one thing that stands out most for us at DTC; the one thing that we are most proud of in 2023 is how our entire community banded together to make sure that our Dutch Golden Ticket winners made it to World Championship Warhammer in  Atlanta, ‘Merica. We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who donated (with a special thanks to our brothers and sisters at Wardice. Without you, we would never have been able to represent the Netherlands so well at such an amazing event. 

Team Netherlands at the World Championships of Warhammer!

And to top it all off we’re now all preparing for the Dutch Masters this weekend to tie a big ribbon around the year. It’s been an amazing year. We’re so looking forward to 2024!

DTC40K projects

So, what’s going to happen in 2024? The short answer is - a Sh!t load of things! As you may have noticed the DTC40K crew has expanded our repertoire to include podcasting. On the DTC field reports you can expect us to bring you our takes on competitive 40K, not only the Dutch meta, but the wider European meta and the game as a whole. We will give you the latest news on upcoming events, review updates, FAQs and Erratas and interview winners of events, both locally and hopefully further afield. The goal is to help you keep up with the local scene and help you play the game we all love a little bit better. inform our audience on competitive play and help you to be a better player at the game. The podcast is broken into two parts. Part one gives a broader overview of the topic, while part two provides a more in-depth look and analysis on lists, playstyle, paths to victory and more. 

The DTC40K Patreon has been updated and streamlined, when becoming a Patreon you know get a flat discount on your tournament tickets, access to our Patreon discord and the other half of our podcast, now that’s value! 

DTC hobby Ranking

With only 2 years under our belt, I think it’s fair to say the DTC40K has had a positive impact on our community. We’re playing more often, more competitively, and with a better sense of community than ever before.  Now that the competitive ranking is up and running we’ve decided to focus on another part of Warhammer, the hobby side. Warhammer has always been a multifaceted hobby and we at the DTC believe that playing with and against incredibly painted models is always a better experience. Therefore 2024 will be the first season for the DTC hobby ranking! Every tournament part of the DTC can award 5 players per 32 players from each tournament. Those scores will be used to make a national ranking which will be available on dtc40k.nl and the same as the DTC40K competitive ranking there will be a bunch of prizes to win at the end of the season! The goal of the DTC hobby ranking is to motivate and inspire you to push your modelling, converting and painting skills and to get your models beyond tableready for your next event. We want every table at tournaments to be not only a great place to be but visually epic and appealing!

So, how can you score points? 

1- You’re army stands out above the rest of the armies at an event
2- Your work is nominated for best-painted model/army
3-You’ve won Best Painted Army, best Painted Model and/or best Player

Bonuspoint: your current entry has at least 2 different units (infantry unit, character or monster/vehicle) from your previous entry.

This extra point is to motivate players to keep at it, build a collection and keep up with the changing meta in style! We’re looking forward to seeing what effect the hobby ranking will have on the table, so do send us pics of your hobby progress this season! The DTC hobby ranking will go live on February 4th, when Rottenhammer kicks off the start of the new season!

Sjap and his worldfamous STOMPAfamily!

New tournaments

2024 Has only just begin but already we have a bunch of tournaments coming up, check the dates and links below!

We’ll be adding these dates and more to our calendar page soon so saty tuned! It’s safe to say, 2024 is going to be a stellar year for Warhammer in the Netherlands and we hope you stay tuned to DTC40K and join us for this amazing ride! 

To follow all the chatter around upcoming events hang out with us on the DTC40K discord to help you sharpen your skills and meet new people. Support us on Patreon to gain access to the best players in the country and trade ideas on secret discord channels only open to our members. You will also receive access to part two of all of our DTC40K podcasts. Check out the free half on Spotify. If you have any suggestions for us please let us know either on Discord or email us at info@dtc40k.nl


